The "Remarkable | Enabled by Design-athon" was a two-day event embracing the importance of thinking differently, creatively and the other perspective. It focused on innovative and inclusive design. 
The event highlighted significant human rights issues faced by people with disabilities in Australia, emphasising the importance of empathy, creativity, and diverse perspectives in design.
Starting with inspiration lightning talks to elaborate on the topic at hand, we then took part in empathy experience stations which gave us as close as possible a look at the varying disabilities people could face in their life. From there we were split off into groups by the problem statement that we were interested in deep-diving into. Using design thinking methods and tools, the process of ideating and conceptualising steered the teams to a viable prototype able to conclusively showcase the solution.

1. Inspiration and Empathy
The event began with lightning talks to set the context and inspire participants. These talks were followed by empathy experience stations, providing participants with insights into the challenges faced by people with disabilities. This hands-on experience was crucial in fostering a deep understanding of user needs.
From there we were split off into groups by the problem statement that we were personally interested in deep-diving into. Using design thinking methods and tools, the process of ideating and conceptualising steered the teams to a viable prototype able to conclusively showcase the solution.
2. Problem Statement
Our team focused on the following problem statement:
"How can we help local businesses provide a better customer experience for people with accessibility needs"

3. Design Thinking Process
User Need Identification: Using a design thinking toolkit, our team brainstormed and synthesised our ideas through an affinity diagram. 
We identified the following key user needs:
1. Increased Delivery
2. Building Community Connection
3. Personalised Service

4. Ideation and Conceptualisation
We used various design thinking methods and tools to generate ideas and develop a viable prototype. Our solution, eInc, aimed to bridge the gap between customers with accessibility needs and local businesses.

Solution: eInc

1. Customer App:
Notifies employees of specific needs or assistance required by the user during their visit.
• Customisable list of needs, activated at the user's discretion.
• Options for active connection or not, via a button press or voice activation.
• Ensures privacy and confidentiality by allowing users to control the information shared with employees.

2. Employee Notification System:
• Alerts employees when a user of the eInc system enters their store.
• Provides information on the user's needs, enhancing customer service.

3. Store Directory:
• Helps users locate nearby stores equipped with the eInc application.
• Includes a review feature, allowing users to share their experiences and rate the level of assistance provided.

1. Inclusive Design Mindset
The design-athon reinforced the importance of designing with inclusivity and accessibility in mind. This experience highlighted the value of considering the needs of everyone, rather than just the majority.

2. Empathy and Collaboration
Working with a diverse team and receiving guidance from mentors was invaluable. The collaborative nature of the event fostered a deeper understanding of user needs and innovative solutions.
Participating in the Remarkable | Enabled by Design-athon was an eye-opening experience. It underscored the importance of empathy in design and the impact of inclusive solutions. The eInc project demonstrated how thoughtful design can enhance the customer experience for people with accessibility needs, strengthening the connection between local businesses and their customers.
GROUP MEMBERS: Peggy Liu (Telstra), Jackie Sutherland (iCare), Anne-Maree Brooke (iCare), Victoria Train (USYD), Kathleen Perry (Australia Post), Phyllis Sakinofsky (iCare) & Gawshika Aumkaran (USYD)
Created at the Telstra Customer Insight Centre, in partner with Cerebral Palsy Alliance.
Remarkable | Enabled by Design-athon
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